Historical Craft Circles
Historical craft circles are in Historic Edwards Place, exploring one of many craft options popular during the 19th century. These are geared to a wide range of skill levels, beginner and beyond, and will provide all materials needed.
Most classes take place in the 2nd floor classroom of Edwards Place. There is no elevator to the 2nd floor. Classes that will take place elsewhere will have that noted in the class description.
Ages 12 to adult (younger ages may be ok with adult - ask instructor).

Embroidered Bookmarks
March 1, 9AM-12PM
$35/$25 for SAA members
Perforated card-work is generally thought to have been introduced to North America from Germany in the 1820s. Some of the earliest examples of embroidery on card-stock or card-board were "book markers." By the time of the Civil War, Godey's Lady's Book and Peterson's Magazine were providing both designs for stitching and patterns for making a wide variety of items using this inexpensive material. Victorian book markers remain the most common perforated paper items to have survived to today - perhaps because they were preserved between the pages of cherished books, away from light, air, and rough handling.
In this workshop, attendees will make their own "book marker" while learning some embroidery stitches.
This workshop will take place in the 2nd floor classroom of Edwards Place - there is no elevator in Edwards Place.

Loom Love Weaving
April 5, 9AM-12PM
$35/$25 for SAA members
You will be using a new set of "Pro-frames" for this weaving experience. Pro-frames are larger than average weaving frames, and you will be using weaving materials that are better than those typically available. If you have never done any weaving before, this is an opportunity for you to learn basic weaving terminology, to design your own patterns, and to select exciting colors. If you have done this kind of weaving before, this is a opportunity to refresh your skills. These useful and practical woven "trivets" (aka potholders, hot pads, mug rugs, etc.) are handy gifts for friend - or for yourself!
This workshop will take place in the 2nd floor classroom of Edwards Place - there is no elevator in Edwards Place.