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Upcoming Events:

Ticket policies: Refunds will be issued to tickets at 95% until 2 weeks before the date of the event. After that point, there will be no refunds to tickets purchased. No credits can be given for canceled tickets. You will receive a confirmation email when you purchase your tickets (check your spam if you don't see it!) and another email closer to the date of the event with final details.


Looking for camps or classes? Check our EDUCATION tab at the top of this page.


19th Century Women's Roles and How They Subverted Them
February 6, 6PM

The lecture panel subject for 2025 explores the roles that were expected of women in the 19th century - and how many women may have subverted those roles. This continues our yearly lecture panel on themes in history that have been avidly studied and produce, perhaps, controversial findings. Past lecture panels have included a talk on the supposed insanity of certain 19th century women, parenting styles from the 19th century, and the Lincoln marriage. This panel will be moderated by curator Sarah Adams and the speakers will include Erika Holst of the Illinois State Museum, Dr. Holly Kent of the University of Illinois Springfield, and Susan Haake of the Lincoln Home National Historic Site.


Bourbon Tasting: Wheated Bourbon
February 21, 7PM
$40/$35 for SAA members

Join us as we offer a wonderful spectrum of wheated bourbons to taste, and whether you’re new to wheated bourbon or are an experienced connoisseur, there will be something new to discover and learn. Curator of Collections and Interpretation Sarah Adams will present on the history of bourbon, and Kentucky native/bourbon connoisseur, Dr. Nathan Steele, will serve as your tasting guide to offer context and guidance throughout your flight.


This event is made possible through the generosity of Roger Huebner.


This event is for ages 21+ only.


Victorian Game Night
March 28, 7PM
$45/$40 for SAA members

This event teaches the card and dice games of the past to game lovers of the present. Guests will discover that these games hold up as delightful entertainment for a night with friends or family. Enjoy "gambling" at the tables, and the top performers will receive prizes! Games included: Vingt-et-un, Whist, Triga, Hazard, Poker, and SNAP. This event includes hors d'oeuvres and beer and wine.


This event is for ages 21+ only.

The Importance of Being Earnest
April 25, 26 7PM
April 27 2PM
$15/$10 for SAA members

Enjoy a night at the theater in our historic house museum. This years play is "The Importance of Being Earnest", a comedy by Oscar Wilde, one of his best known.

The Importance of Being Earnest is set in late Victorian London. The leading male characters maintain fictitious personae to escape burdensome social obligations. Two young women—the somewhat sophisticated Gwendolen (from the city) and the somewhat naive Cecily (from the country)—claim to love Earnest Worthing. However, Gwendolen believes Jack Worthing is Earnest, and Cecily thinks Algy Moncrieff is Earnest. Each woman insists that she could never love a man who wasn't named Earnest.​​ In the midst of these misimpressions, Lady Bracknell—who fails to concur with the idea of anyone loving anyone—appears. Still, Wilde sorts out the situation to everyone’s satisfaction in what is widely regarded as one of the greatest English comedies.


This play is directed by Mark Buckholz.


Alice in Wonderland Tea

Curiouser and curiouser! Learn about popular tea customs, while participating in a special program based on the children's classic Alice in Wonderland. Themes in the past have included Jane Austen, "Little Women", and Storybook Garden. This event includes tea, tea foods, gifts, and original programming.


History Comes Alive
Ice Cream Socials with Abe and Mary

Wednesdays in June and July

Every Wednesday in the summer, we host Abraham and Mary Lincoln at Edwards Place for an outdoor ice cream social. Meet our 16th president and first lady while enjoying a free cup of ice cream provided by Visit Springfield on the porch of this historic house museum. Plus, the Springfield Municipal Band will keep guests entertained with their repertoire of music. 


Spirit Tasting
June 6, 7PM
$40/$35 for SAA members

Join us as we offer a wonderful spectrum of spirits to taste. Curator of Collections and Interpretation Sarah Adams will present on history, and Dr. Nathan Steele will serve as your tasting guide to offer context and guidance throughout your flight. This event's choice of spirit has yet to be chosen. We will update this event as soon as possible!


This event is made possible through the generosity of Roger Huebner.


This event is for ages 21+ only.


Victorian Game Day
August 23, 1PM
$30/$25 for SAA members

This event teaches the outdoor games of the past to game lovers of the present. Guests will discover that these games hold up as delightful entertainment for a day with friends or family. Included games TBD. This event includes hors d'oeuvres and non-alcoholic beverages.


This is a family friendly event, though some games will be more difficult than others.

Edwards Place Fine Art Fair
September 20-21

Artwork from artists across the country. Support them, as well as the SAA, by coming out to shop at the best fall art fair in Springfield!


Edwards Place will have a free open house during the live hours of the Fine Art Fair. More activities TBD.

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Murder Mystery Dinner

At Edwards Place Murder Mystery dinner theatre, guests will help to solve a dastardly murder. You will interact with a motley crew of suspects to discover which of them committed the crime, all while enjoying a themed, catered meal. Theme and catering TBD.​


This event is for 21+ ages only.




Holiday Open House

December 6, 1-4PM

This event is a free open house, giving guests a chance to see Edwards Place in holiday finery, while listening (and singing!) carols around a piano once heard by Abraham Lincoln and meeting a Civil War era Santa Claus. Refreshments are provided.


Gift of the Magi Holiday Tea

December 13, 1PM
$50/$45 for SAA members

Learn about popular tea customs, while participating in a special program based on the storybooks by Jan Brett, which feature beautiful illustrations of winter scenes. This event includes tea, tea foods, gifts, and original programming. Tea and food is from Whimsy Tea Company.

Annual and Past Events:


Historical Fashion Show

This event focuses on specific topics in fashion history, giving a wide range of examples through its timeline. Experience this fashion show like the first fashion shows of Paris, before Fashion Week took over with the exciting lights and sounds we have today. These were intimate affairs where one could get close and personal with the clothing to see the construction and detail.

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