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Upper Back Hall

The Room

After the 1857 expansion and remodel, this hall was added as a servants' hallway, with a back staircase for the servants. In those days, working spaces were kept as separate as possible from living spaces of the house. As one writer put it, "the person who filled the chamber pots did not want to meet the person who emptied them coming down the stairs."


The servants' quarters were in the attic. There are two little rooms under the eaves; one of which has the remnants of a call bell above the door.


The Edwards family usually employed three live in domestic servants (cook, parlor maid, dining room girl) as well as a hired man for the grounds. Most of the servants were immigrants - typically Irish, but sometimes English or German. They worked 6 days a week from $1.50-$2 per week.


Different wallpapers were used when Edwards Place became an historic home. These were not as historically accurate as the modern wallpapers in the home.

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